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Bring a seminar or workshop to your school, community group or company to support parents of all kinds. 

Workshops, Keynotes

Contact Rachel to inquire about speaking engagements, keynotes, and workshops for schools, community groups, and companies.

Lunch 'n

Rachel is available to teach seminars at small and large companies looking to support their parent employees. 

        Work Smart, 
       Parent Well 

Experts Alexis Haselberger & Rachel Sklar bring tools to your parent employees to successfully manage work and family during the pandemic.

Popular Topics

Mindful Motivation:
Motivate Children From The Inside Out

Wouldn’t it be nice if children cooperated for the sake of it and not for the carrot at the end of the stick?


In this workshop, Rachel shares her system for intrinsically motivating children. She teaches 3 researched based techniques for increasing confidence and motivation... all without taking away cookies or promising more screen time. 



Navigating Boyhood: How To Raise Resilient and Cooperative Sons

Learn what it takes to raise a boy who is kind, resilient, and stays close over time.


Gain new insights into the inner workings of a boy’s brain and learn exactly what it takes to fulfill his basic needs so that he stays confident, connected and cooperative throughout his childhood. 


Mothers and Sons:
Growing Boys
Into Men

With growing pressures to be super human at school and perfect gentlemen amid violent and sexy media messages, boys are at enormous risk.


In this workshop, Rachel explores the unique mother-son relationship and what boys need from their moms to help them face the world and build long-lasting communication.


Managing Family Expectations During Transitions

Discover effective tools for sheltering in place with kids while constantly assessing for risk and facing new parenting challenges.


This workshop will help parents focus on what matters most, know what to expect, and be prepared to support their child no matter what this pandemic brings up.



Practical Strategies for Working Parents

Time to get organized. Kids are more addicted to screens, and parents have less time and patience to attend to their needs than ever.   


Learn how to how to make a plan, set the right limits, and foster independence for children who like to repeat, "I'm bored" while their parents are trying to meet deadlines, attend virtual meetings and focus on work. 


Setting Limits With Love

In this workshop, Rachel will help participants reflect on how they currently set limits when kids ignore, resist basic requests, get aggressive, or talk back.


Participants will walk away with mindset shifts and new strategies that eliminate power struggles, build confidence in children, and help families build strong foundations of trust and respect. 


The Preschool Years:
From Chaos to Tranquility

Learn a system for getting a grip on morning and evening routines, managing meltdowns, resolving difficult battles, and building confidence.


Rachel will debunk some frustrating parenting myths, provide an intro to “Mindful Parenting,” and help parents fix some basic parenting mistakes we all make. 

Building Resilience for Lifelong Success

Join a lively conversation about what it takes to prepare your child for the ups and downs of life.


This seminar covers the key ingredients to raising children who can bounce back from challenges and forge better relationships in this fast-paced, high-tech society, where success, authenticity and innovation are constantly being redefined.


Balance Your Environment & Life: Work, Teach & Parent 

Learn to avoid power struggles, and create routines while working from home, running a pop-up school, and trying to care for family and self. 


Parents will adopt a new mindset around prioritizing relationships while also teaching kids to be independent and setting up environments for success.



Sibling Rivalry
Replace It With Revelry


Understanding the ins and outs of sibling relationships can empower parents to manage sibling rivalry with more grace and ease.


Learn short-term and long-term plans for keeping the peace, and gain a deeper understanding of sibling conflicts, plus tools to prevent them.





I'm Talking, They're Not Listening

Learn specific communication tools that set children up for success when it comes to listening, understanding, and responding to requests.


Parents will learn how to help kids follow directions and respect limits by designing concrete strategies unique to their child's strengths, temperament, learning style, and age. 


Q &A Session:
Group Coaching

Participants can bring their parenting questions, dilemmas, and issues to this supportive space to get individual or group support, depending on the needs of the agency.  


Rachel is available on a standing basis or she can take sign ups for individual sessions.




Parenting with

In this workshop, Rachel teaches effective techniques for decreasing stress so parents can face difficult moments at work and at home with pride.


Parents will learn to stop automated parenting reactions in the moment and put the parent-child relationship at the forefront this parenting approach.


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