coaching programs
Create real and long-term changes in your child's behavior through the power of private and group coaching with Rachel Sklar. Coaching offers parents insight and guidance that transcend common parenting advice, focusing on the unique situation and needs of your family.

For moms of boys who are intense, sensitive, explosive, highly sensitive, or energetic.
The Boy Mom Academy™ is an affordable way to access all of Rachel's wisdom and content while getting ongoing support from her and a community of boy mom experts. You'll focus on building your skills and filling your toolbox with effective methods for transforming behavior and raising a son who is cooperative, calm, connected, and compassionate.
Watch the free masterclass to learn more.

Tap into the power of individualized parent coaching.
With private coaching, you receive custom strategies and perspectives so you can guide your child's behavior in positive ways, transforming day-to-day interactions and outcomes at home and at school. Access a variety of self-paced program resources and schedule a series of private sessions with Rachel.
Sign up for a free consultation or book an intake session to get started.
Natalie, 2 boys
"I haven’t felt this capable in my parenting of my strong-willed child probably ever. I’ve been getting a lot of emotional support and benefits as well, from Rachel and [her community]. I think the biggest benefit for me is solidarity, and the feeling that I’m not alone in these parenting difficulties. I like having a fresh lens on my child and his behaviors, as well as feeling like I can take a more objective look at my own behaviors as well."
Nancy, 2 teens
"I would recommend Rachel to anyone who feels challenged by raising kids who push limits and continuously act in defiance. After working with Rachel, there is less yelling and arguing with our teenagers."
Jessica, 1 boy
"Having this program as part of my life and schedule keeps parenting and the connection with my son a priority. I can break the cycle of parenting techniques that don’t serve me or my family. I could participate as much or as little as made sense for my family. At the beginning, participating more helped me learn and get the support I needed. We still have tough moments and I know we always will, however with what I know now - I can make it thru the tough moments with more ease, I can make a repair when things don’t go the way I hoped, and I know my son and I can keep our relationship strong through whatever we face."