1:1 coaching sessions and programs help parents navigate any challenging behavior or parenting breakdown.
Rachel designs custom plans based on the child's unique needs and strengths. She then supports parents as they implement the plan.
Free consultations, individual sessions and package rates available.
Moms of boys enjoy self-paced, group, and private programs that create cooperation and unbreakable bonds.
Inside The Boy Mom Academy, you'll find support for parents raising boys who are intense, persistent, sensitive, or active. You'll learn the Boy Mom Method, connect with others, and get direct support from Rachel
Click Below to Learn More.
Parenting seminars and workshops will strengthen your community group, school, or company.
Work Smart, Parent Well is a corporate program that combines productivity, time management, and parent trainings for employees at your company.
Rachel collaborates with a time management expert to deliver the highest quality employee programs.

Do you hear yourself saying...
I’m completely out of patience and hate that I yell
My son gets aggressive and hits when he’s angry
He won’t get off his screens without a fight
My child completely ignores me
My partner and I aren’t on the same page
I've read all the books and nothing helps
I’m not sure if this behavior is normal
My child overreacts to everything
I can't concentrate on work when my kids are struggling
What if you could say...

I understand my kid and he gets me
I know exactly how to respond when he's being aggressive
I know my child will turn out kind, confident & successful
My child comes to me with problems & talks about feelings
We have systems at home that work
I’m confident in myself, my partner, and my child
Parenting is easier and more joyful than ever
My boss supports me as a parent and an employee
high-tech, speaker, educator, coach
Rachel brings real-world experience in the parenting field ~ not just theory
Rachel consults with progressive companies who actively support their working parents

recent press
Rachel's skills as a Parent Coach have earned her a spot on the Coach Foundation, one of the biggest names in the coaching industry.
Los Angeles, CA 1/24/2024: How Rachel Sklar Empowers Moms Everywhere Read Now
San Francisco, CA 3/5/2024: Discover These 11 Leading Parenting Coaches to Rely on in 2024 Read Now